🌝Moon Energy
Since ancient times, people looked up at the sky and tried to figure out what those luminaries in the sky are. Bright Sun, sparkling stars and Mysterious Moon have been engaging the minds of generations and have become an essential part of everyday life.
Moon’s path and form change daily which makes it the most interesting and exciting sky object to study and the greatest mystic luminary to research. Moon phases change over the month and the satellite passes all zodiac signs along its way in the skies which is naturally reflected in the characteristics it reveals to people. The influence of the Moon cannot be underestimated for it is connected with all everyday events, big or small, from the most important to the least significant.
Being the closest celestial body to the Earth, the Moon has a major influence on momentary events in all spheres of life, be it gardening, haircuts or business meetings.
The Moon is also responsible for the movement of water on our planet. As the human body is 65-75% water, depending on the Moon position you will feel happy and full of life, or tired and indifferent.
Depending on the state of your body and mood your attitudes to all life events will vary.
Moon is changing its shape each month - from New Moon when the sky is the darkest, to Full Moon shining brightly above us, and further to the next New Moon. These changes are reflected within your body and mind, influencing your mood and physical state. Building your monthly routine and upcoming plans in accordance with the Moon Phases will help to build a harmonious and successful life.
You surely know your zodiac sign, it depends on the position of the Sun on the day of your birth. But has it ever occured to you that the Moon also travels through the same constellations and thus is also influenced by zodiac signs? While your Solar zodiac sign reveals your goals and ambitions, the lunar zodiac sign is responsible for your psychology and emotions, forming a psycho-emotional portrait.
The Moon in Capricorn will be different from the Moon in Gemini, just like Monday is different from Friday. Moon signs can help you define your deepest desires and feelings, they can explain your unconscious self, they can inspire you to start new projects using talents you never thought of. Imagine how important it is to be aware of your personal Lunar zodiac sign, e.g. what position the Moon had when you were born. Inspired by the delicate philosophy and complicated influence of the Moon energy, we prepared a set of affirmations which will help you calm down, find direction or receive inspiration. Regularly practicing affirmations is the first step towards finding perfect balance between mind, body and soul.
Moon characteristics have an influence on your personality and everything that surrounds you, so it is natural that we have put together advice on different spheres of life in association with the Moon energy. Join me in this amazing journey to the Moon and allow yourself to embrace all the wonders of the luminary and its effect on your life.