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Writer's pictureSusan Kee

The Rede

Bide the Wiccan Laws we must, in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

Soft of eye and light of touch, we speak little and listen much

We heed flower, bush, and tree, by the Lady blessed be

Revere all life; respect all things, to us great blessings the Forces bring

When we have a true need, we hearken not to other’s greed

With no fool a season spend, lest we be counted as his or her friend

Merry we meet and merry we part, bright our cheeks and warm our heart

With everything we live and let live, we fairly take and we fairly give

We wear the pentacle to remind us of, The Lady and Lord and their Divine Love

We cast the circle thrice about, to keep unwanted energies out

To bind the spell every time, every spell we speak in rhyme

Greater Power will this lend, and to our will all things do bend

In our hands the Power we hold, to make the new and recreate the old

And whether or not we win or lose, we always respect others’ right to choose

We work for the Good of everyone, the spell is cast and it is done

Both Lady and Lord so Divine, You show us a way and give us a sign

The four tools of the Lady and Lord, Cup, Wand, Pentacle, and Sword

Where the rippling waters go, we cast a stone and truth we know

When in doubt the cards make clear, all that we have need to hear

Divination always shows the way, truth is shown come what may

It’s not what we do but what we intend, that determines how all things will end

Harm comes from thought as well as deed, every thought we think is a seed

Each time it’s repeated the power flows, into the seed and stronger it grows

The power is always amply supplied, for all that we do is multiplied

Mind the Threefold Law we should, three times bad and three times good

This warning we must always heed, when following the Wiccan Rede

All things in time as the Wheel turns round, to the cycles of life we are bound

Cross quarters and quarters we do keep great blessings all year round we reap

Respect the phases of the Moon, with the cycles of life we live in tune

Blessed by day and blessed by night, guided always by the Light

Of Infinite Love in everything, with hearts uplifted and souls that sing

We know our work is truly done, when we wish Peace and Love to everyone

The Wiccan Rede we do fulfill: “An ye harm none, do as ye will.”

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