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Writer's pictureSusan Kee

Sacred Spaces

When I first started studying the craft I read a lot about sacred spaces. At first it seemed so confusing. I thought a sacred space was a place you created through complicated rituals.

Now that I've matured and am finding my own path, I understand it a little better. The best way for me to understand sacred space is to think of the wonderful peace, love, and trust I feel in my grandparents home (which is basically where I consider my home to be). That, to me, is sacred space: a place where you feel perfect peace, love, and trust.

Now that I'm living in mine and my fiance's own home, I strive to make it feel the way theirs did to me. That includes keeping it clean, decorating it in such a way as to make it look and feel like our home, and while cleaning, kicking negativity out. A lot of the stuff I read about sacred space mentioned keeping altars in the living room, etc., but I've never really like having a specified altar. So, I keep my place clean and free of negativity so that it all feels like sacred space to me.

Along with my physical sacred space, I do have astral sacred space. Actually, I have a couple of them. The most notable is a sort of meditation type room that has a range of comfy space, candles, and lavender incense. This is where I go, in my mind, when I just need to calm my mind and push the negativity that accumulates in my life away from me.

The little ritual I do while maintaining my sacred space here at home is very easy. I clean, and while cleaning I mentally picture removing all of the negativity. Mentally I might ask Aphrodite to come into my living room and my bedroom and bless it with her love and passion. And just like that my sacred space is complete. Even people who don't know how to feel magickal energies can feel the difference.

Mental space is mainly a mental exercise. I picture my places and mentally cleanse them of any negativity that might be lurking there, and move right on in. Each time I visit an astral sacred space I get rid of all negativity first and then speak with Aphrodite or just spend time sitting there getting back into a positive frame of mind. Although, now I am starting to think I may want to create that personal sacred area with a new altar.

An intention setting ritual can be done just after the time of the new moon to focus energy into your intentions. An intention is a guiding principle with which to live by. Your intentions should define how you want to feel, the things you would like to experience and the personal qualities and strengths you want develop. Think about your core values, and the kind of life you want to live. Intentions should be written in the present tense and in a positive form. For example, instead of saying "I want to stop being in toxic relationships " you could write "I feel healthy supported, loved and vital". The first one is a goal - but the second is the intention (the "why") behind the goal. This is just a suggestion - always be open to your own intuition to create a variation that feels right for you.

Begin by cleansing your sacred space - this can be done by smoke purification or lightly spraying with moon water or liquid smudge.

Center yourself in any way that feels comfortable - deep breathing, free drawing, chanting, meditating or using singing bowls.

Focus on formulating your intentions, what do you truly want from your life? Keep your intentions positive and motivating. You can also use oracle cards to get insight into what it is you truly desire.

Light a candle, then write each of your intentions on a separate piece of paper. Say each one aloud, then spend a few minutes visualizing that it has already manifested.

Hold the intention in your mind and do any any of the following:

Create a crystal grid around it

Burn it in a fireproof container

Bury it in soil (write your intention on seeded paper)

Place it in a bowl of water

When you are done with all of them, blow out the candle and thank the universe in advance for manifesting your intentions. If you don’t know how to make moon water, or liquid smudge I can help you with that as well as a crystal grid if you’re unsure.

That's all there is to it! What about your sacred spaces? Do you have a combination of physical and astral sacred spaces? Do you only maintain an astral sacred space or just a physical sacred space, and what kinds of rituals/spells do you do to create and maintain them? Shoot me a message!

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Until next time,

Blessed Be my friends. 🌒🌕🌘

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