What is Magick-
First things first: If you are asking this question, you need to know the basics.
Magick with a K vs. Magic with a C. What’s the point of the K? Some people are confused between sleight of hand, or illusion-based, magic and the kind that real Witches use to bend and manipulate energy for a specific goal.
To differentiate between which one is being referred. The sleight of hand used by Magicians for the purpose of entertainment is often spelled the regular way without the K at the end. Magic = Illusion/Sleight of hand while adding the K at the end indicates the art of bending the energy that surrounds us to our own will to attain a specific outcome. Magick = Bending energy to personal will with intent. [By the way: there are no laws about the spelling of the word. It is individual preference to use the K or not.]
Now that Magick vs. Magic is cleared up, let’s discuss Magick and spells.
The Basics of Magick
Since Magick is simply energy, it is neither inherently good nor bad. It simply is. Thus, terms such as Black Magick or White Magick speak to nothing more than the intent of the witch performing it. Simply put, Magick is neutral until you apply your intent. Your intent makes it good or bad. Some refer to using Magick for good as White Magick, or the practitioner as a White Witch, and using magick for bad as Black Magick, or the user a Black Witch. What they are actually saying is that you are either a good person or a bad person and this is determined by the good or bad intentions, ethics, and morals you put into your practice.
How Does it Work?
While Magick can be used by anyone, without the use of specified tools or ingredients, those tools & ingredients DO help to give your spell a little extra power. I know this for a fact because I have used magick in public places without anything but myself and undisturbed peace, and yes my spells worked.
Magick works by using the focus and personal energy within you to connect with the energy that is around you. Everything in the world is connected, because everything is made up of energy. With some focus, discipline, and the use of the energy we hold inside, we can bend and manipulate the energy that surrounds us.
This is possible because the energy within us is fundamentally the same as the energy surrounding us. When I was growing up I used what I referred to as Wish Magick. I would go into the bathroom or a quiet place where I wouldn’t be disturbed for a few minutes.
When practicing magick, I have always started by surrounding myself with energy through thought and intent for protection. Some refer to this as creating a barrier or bubble. When I feel the energy surrounding me I begin to focus on my wish, or desire. Fully visualize it. When I have a good picture in my mind of what I want, and can feel it as if it is already mine, I repeat the desire with all of my emotions and focused thought. I would feel the emotions rise inside me. When I feel it at its peak, I release the energy, then take a moment to say thank you, and focus on how grateful I am for this thing. I almost always got what I wanted. When I didn’t, I was grateful none-the-less because it always worked out for the best in the end.
If it doesn’t take tools, why do you have them and use them?
Tools such as wands, candles, chalices, athame, crystals, etc... can help the mind focus. I know that certain smells help me meditate, trance, or focus. The light from the flame of a candle keeps me centered in the present, while intentional movements or actions help to bring everything into focus with clarity as if it is all happening in that very moment. Remember the more focus, desire and intent one has, the stronger the outcome. Tools are nice and can add to the potency of you spells, but are not necessary.
Why can’t we stop war or win the lottery with Magick?
To give the short answer first: the lottery is chance. There is no way that I, nor any other practitioner that I am aware of, knows how to manipulate the nature of chance. However, different forms of divination could help lead you towards the right numbers.
When it comes to putting an end to war or world hunger, the energy of one person is not enough to tip those sorts of scales. Not only that, but spell work and energy from afar alone are not enough to make a difference. You would have to have the conjoined energy and outward efforts of billions in order for there to be an end there. Either that, or we would have to gain control over an exuberant amount of variables and impose our will on billions of people. We would have to eliminate diversity and other naturally occurring elements in the world that inspire conflict.
Either way, I’m not sure either of those options would be possible. Spellwork isn’t as simple as “cast a spell and call it done”. You have to do some legwork too.
For example: If I did a spell to find a job, I would actually have to take actions to find that job. I would have to dress appropriately, take a shower, brush my hair, go to interviews, and actually apply for the job I want. Doing the spell to find a job, then sitting back and doing nothing will get me nothing.
So, likewise: One person doing a spell for world peace, without having any tangible way of working towards it likely wouldn’t have much [if any] effect.
How does Wicca differ from Witchcraft?
There is a new group of “Wiccans” today becoming more separated as a religion, without Witchcraft. I find this odd myself, considering that its most basic foundations lie in Witchcraft & Magick.
In ancient time, the Elders of a clan, tribe, or community performed rituals for healing, harvest, hunting, battles, and other things for the benefit of the community. I honestly don’t know if they did baneful or bad things to hurt people. I am sure, because of the balance of nature, there were violent and aggressive tribes as well as gentle, peaceful and positive tribes. But for the most part, Witches were herb using, potion making, healers; not the destroyers they were later depicted to be to civilization.
The Pagans and country dwellers in Europe used folk remedies and magick for things such as successful crops, healthy animals for food, farming, and hunting, finding a mate, rites of passages such as birth, becoming an adult, marriage, childbirth and even death.
When Christianity began to develop is when the idea of witchcraft became something evil and bad. Until then, witchcraft, which was not really called witchcraft until about that time, was thought of as something positive and good. The community looked up to the healer, wise one, medicine man, etc.
Why do most Wiccans seem to be Hippies?
Many Wiccans practice magick with the Rede at heart: “An it Harm None, Do as Ye Will”. Wiccans believe in the Threefold Law; which states that whatever good or bad you do, it will come back on you threefold. In other words, if you send out good intentions and do things in a way that harms none, then good will come back to you. If you send out bad intentions, or do things to harm someone, then bad things come back to you. It is a common thought of practice and a law of nature according to Isaac Newton. It doesn’t matter if you believe in the Threefold Law or not; Newton’s third law is the basis of this belief.
Someone told me once that a witch’s magick wouldn’t affect them if they don’t believe in it. That is simply not true. Only the witch has to believe in their own magick for it to work. Just as Karma applies in the aspect of consequences regardless if you believe it or not just, a witch’s spell will work on you regardless if you believe in it [or choose to see it’s effects] or not.
Simply put, you have the free will to do as you please, good or bad. But know this: if you do bad, bad will come back to you. Wiccans follow the rede “An it Harm None, Do as Ye Will” not just to be good and peaceful, but for their own preservation within their own belief about Karma. If you enjoy misery and prefer to self destruct; by all means, do all the bad you want and the rest of us will watch as you self-destruct. Just know that even if you don’t believe in Karma, there is no escape from the consequence of your actions.
How is Magick used in a spell?
A spell is the the words, physical actions, motions, and tools used [such as candles, herbs, crystals and other objects that focus intent while bending the energy toward an outcome]. It can be a simple chant, or a complete ritual using every tool you can think of. It can take a few minutes or a couple of hours. It all depends on you and how much you need to do in order to focus, bend and manipulate that energy.
Witches use correspondences of items to help us create spells that aid us in our focus and use of magick. Specific herbs, planetary alignments, moon phases, stones and even elementals and spirits that are called upon, aid us in working magick. Some witches don’t need all the hooplah to use magick, and some do. In either case, the hoopla is both fun and meaningful, and can help get you into the mood of the practice.
I personally keep my spells as simple as I can while keeping the meaning intentful and done with purpose. A Witch’s spells are all very personal and most keep a journal called a Book of Shadows. That is a subject for another post.
Good or bad, How you choose to use magick is up to you. Just know that you are responsible for every action, decision and spell you make. You will be held accountable, because it is the law of nature. Remember, Magick is natural and neutral. It is what you make it.
If you’re interested in diving deeper into your Craft, and feel you could use the assistance of an advisor, shoot us a message! I’m here to walk you through everything from the basics of setting up your Book of Shadows, to more in-depth subjects such as tarot interpretation, and planning your own spells & rituals. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this post!
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Until next time, Blessed Be my friends. Susan
Well explained